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Treatments we offer

At our physical therapy center, we provide a comprehensive range of treatments aimed at promoting healing, relieving pain, and restoring function. Here's a brief overview of the therapies we offer:

Patient Education

Patient Education

Empowering patients with knowledge about their condition, treatment options, and self-management strategies is essential for long-term recovery and prevention of re-injury.

Dry Needling

This technique involves inserting thin needles into trigger points or tight muscles to alleviate pain and improve muscle function by releasing tension and promoting blood flow.

Dry Needling
Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy

Hands-on techniques such as joint mobilization, manipulation, and soft tissue massage are used to restore mobility, reduce pain, and improve overall function.

Exercise Therapy

Tailored exercise programs are designed to improve strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance. These exercises are crucial for rehabilitation and preventing future injuries.

Exercise Therapy
Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology Taping

Applying special elastic tape to muscles and joints can provide support, reduce pain, and improve circulation and proprioception, facilitating the body's natural healing process.

Soft Tissue Therapy

Various techniques like myofascial release, stretching, and deep tissue massage target muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia to alleviate pain, restore mobility, and improve tissue function.

Soft Tissue Therapy
Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy

Utilizing acoustic waves, this therapy stimulates the body's natural healing response to treat chronic musculoskeletal conditions such as tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, and calcific shoulder tendonitis.

Laser Therapy

Low-level laser or cold laser therapy is used to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and promote tissue repair by stimulating cellular metabolism and enhancing circulation.

Laser Therapy
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